A NPC Non-Player Character – Teatro-Escola é a estrutura que conduz a actividade artística e pedagógica de Nuno Pino Custódio. Os seus objectos projectam o teatro enquanto comunicação, arte, ciência e fenómeno, posicionando-se num século XXI ontologicamente distópico, feito de incertezas, desconhecidos, perplexidades. Sempre em interdependência com o outro, produz-se reflexão sobre o que se cria, essencialmente no que concerne à encenação como centro da escrita. A máscara, a prática milenar dos contadores de histórias, as disciplinas do movimento e da pantomima são referências principais dos teatros tradicionais populares na construção de uma ideia que se projecte para o futuro. Mas também das tensões conflituosas e extraordinariamente férteis entre corpo e texto dramático, entre oralidade e escrita quer a NPC encontrar espaço.
Ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, Nuno Pino Custódio tem abordado o teatro como uma totalidade, desenvolvendo uma perspectiva autoral amplamente reconhecida. A dramaturgia, a encenação, a pedagogia no domínio da formação do actor e a construção de máscaras são indissociáveis e concorrem para uma “ideia de teatro”. Agora, a NonPlayer Character vem propiciar condições para que esse projecto, essa ideia e essa singularidade alcancem novos patamares. O teatro enquanto máquina que só funciona se humanizar, sempre apontado à utopia.
Por isso tudo, a marca dos trabalhos desta estrutura são os objectos sincréticos: peças performáticas que se conseguem desdobrar somente em palestras ou em oficinas ou ainda em exposições. Mas que, também!, saibam compatibilizar e/ou reconciliar tais universos e linguagens distantes num exercício só, num espectáculo e apresentação que congregue com versatilidade diferentes públicos e interesses. Sempre na divulgação do teatro enquanto necessidade e fenómeno.
A NPC Non-Player Character – Teatro-Escola é a estrutura que conduz a actividade artística e pedagógica de Nuno Pino Custódio. Os seus objectos projectam o teatro enquanto comunicação, arte, ciência e fenómeno, posicionando-se num século XXI ontologicamente distópico, feito de incertezas, desconhecidos, perplexidades. Sempre em interdependência com o outro, produz-se reflexão sobre o que se cria, essencialmente no que concerne à encenação como centro da escrita. A máscara, a prática milenar dos contadores de histórias, as disciplinas do movimento e da pantomima são referências principais dos teatros tradicionais populares na construção de uma ideia que se projecte para o futuro. Mas também das tensões conflituosas e extraordinariamente férteis entre corpo e texto dramático, entre oralidade e escrita quer a NPC encontrar espaço.
Ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, Nuno Pino Custódio tem abordado o teatro como uma totalidade, desenvolvendo uma perspectiva autoral amplamente reconhecida. A dramaturgia, a encenação, a pedagogia no domínio da formação do actor e a construção de máscaras são indissociáveis e concorrem para uma “ideia de teatro”. Agora, a NonPlayer Character vem propiciar condições para que esse projecto, essa ideia e essa singularidade alcancem novos patamares. O teatro enquanto máquina que só funciona se humanizar, sempre apontado à utopia.
Por isso tudo, a marca dos trabalhos desta estrutura são os objectos sincréticos: peças performáticas que se conseguem desdobrar somente em palestras ou em oficinas ou ainda em exposições. Mas que, também!, saibam compatibilizar e/ou reconciliar tais universos e linguagens distantes num exercício só, num espectáculo e apresentação que congregue com versatilidade diferentes públicos e interesses. Sempre na divulgação do teatro enquanto necessidade e fenómeno.
Non-player character is a term borrowed from the videogame universe or from internet language. In the first case, it means “non-playable character”, i.e., that the player does not control that character but, eventually, can interact with. In this environment, algorithmic programming and artificial intelligence are the writing, and stand for the theatre as would be the dramaturgy and the staging. In its second possibility, npc refers to a visual internet meme whose first appearance occurred in 2009. It represents someone who is not able to think for himself and make his own decisions – which is an allusion also brought from the artificially programmed characters of videogames. Thus, we observe writing as the programming of an alterity, the construction of the Other; but also the emptying, the experience of the Same. Non-Player Character wants to place itself in this ontological debate, always putting into perspective the one who sees (and therefore is seen) – that homo spectator and his ethics of responsibility. In a free way, non-player character can be, then, the one who decided not to play in order to be able to stand back and, finally, to see.
Non-player character is a term borrowed from the videogame universe or from internet language. In the first case, it means “non-playable character”, i.e., that the player does not control that character but, eventually, can interact with. In this environment, algorithmic programming and artificial intelligence are the writing, and stand for the theatre as would be the dramaturgy and the staging. In its second possibility, npc refers to a visual internet meme whose first appearance occurred in 2009. It represents someone who is not able to think for himself and make his own decisions – which is an allusion also brought from the artificially programmed characters of videogames. Thus, we observe writing as the programming of an alterity, the construction of the Other; but also the emptying, the experience of the Same. Non-Player Character wants to place itself in this ontological debate, always putting into perspective the one who sees (and therefore is seen) – that homo spectator and his ethics of responsibility. In a free way, non-player character can be, then, the one who decided not to play in order to be able to stand back and, finally, to see.
Non-Player Character started its activity in early 2022. The workshops “The actor and neutrality” and “O Actor-Criador” have already collaborated with Companhia da Chanca, Razões Pessoais and C.E.M – Centro em Movimento. His first creation, the conference-show “Uma vez Polichinelo” will make its first debut at the Coimbra Music Conservatory on 14 September.
Non-Player Character started its activity in early 2022. The workshops “The actor and neutrality” and “O Actor-Criador” have already collaborated with Companhia da Chanca, Razões Pessoais and C.E.M – Centro em Movimento. His first creation, the conference-show “Uma vez Polichinelo” will make its first debut at the Coimbra Music Conservatory on 14 September.
Nuno Pino Custódio’s artistic and pedagogical activity is guided by NPC Non-Player Character-Theater-School. By positioning itself in an ontologically dystopian 21st century made up of uncertainties, unknowns and perplexities, their objects define theatre as communication, art, science and phenomenon. Always in interdependence with the other, reflection is produced about what is presented, primarily concerning the art of directing as the centre of creation. In the construction of an idea that projects itself into the future, the traditional popular theatre’s main references are the mask, the millenary tradition of storytelling, and movement and pantomime. But NPC also wants to find space in the conflicting and extraordinarily fertile tensions between body and dramatic text, between orality and writing. Over the last 30 years, Nuno Pino Custódio has approached theatre as a totality, developing a widely recognized authorial perspective. Dramaturgy, direction, pedagogy and mask construction are inseparable components of an “idea of theatre.”. Now, Non-Player Character provides conditions for this project, this idea and this singularity to reach new heights. Theatre as a machine that only works if it humanizes, always aiming at utopia. Therefore, this structure’s works are marked by syncretic objects: performance pieces that can only be unfolded in conferences or in workshops or even in exhibitions. But that, also!, knows how to make compatible and/or reconcile such universes and distant languages in only one exercise, in a presentation that congregates with versatility different publics and interests. Dedicated to the dissemination of theater as a necessity and phenomenon.
Nuno Pino Custódio’s artistic and pedagogical activity is guided by NPC Non-Player Character-Theater-School. By positioning itself in an ontologically dystopian 21st century made up of uncertainties, unknowns and perplexities, their objects define theatre as communication, art, science and phenomenon. Always in interdependence with the other, reflection is produced about what is presented, primarily concerning the art of directing as the centre of creation. In the construction of an idea that projects itself into the future, the traditional popular theatre’s main references are the mask, the millenary tradition of storytelling, and movement and pantomime. But NPC also wants to find space in the conflicting and extraordinarily fertile tensions between body and dramatic text, between orality and writing. Over the last 30 years, Nuno Pino Custódio has approached theatre as a totality, developing a widely recognized authorial perspective. Dramaturgy, direction, pedagogy and mask construction are inseparable components of an “idea of theatre.”. Now, Non-Player Character provides conditions for this project, this idea and this singularity to reach new heights. Theatre as a machine that only works if it humanizes, always aiming at utopia. Therefore, this structure’s works are marked by syncretic objects: performance pieces that can only be unfolded in conferences or in workshops or even in exhibitions. But that, also!, knows how to make compatible and/or reconcile such universes and distant languages in only one exercise, in a presentation that congregates with versatility different publics and interests. Dedicated to the dissemination of theater as a necessity and phenomenon.